Dining Table Leg Bag



Removalspal dining table leg bags are straightforward to use, shield against moisture and showers, and guard against scuffs and scratches.

Removalspal Dining Table Leg Bags are constructed with:

  • A 4oz nylon outer featuring a waterproof coating, ensuring resistance to dampness and showers.
  • A 4oz black lining inside that allows table legs to easily slide in and out.
  • A 135gm dacron filler sandwiched between layers for enhanced resistance to knocks and bumps.

These components are quilted together in a diamond pattern for added durability.

The bags are designed with four zippered sections, each section is equipped with two securing straps featuring ladderlock buckles to hold the table legs firmly in place. Additionally, two carry handles are included for easy transportation.

For superior protection, an upgrade to the PowerGuard version is available, which includes a felt lining instead of the standard black inner.

Color options include Black, Bottle Green, Navy Blue, Royal Blue, and Red.

Maximum table leg length accommodated is 90cm.

Benefits of using DefendaGuard removal covers:

  • They replace traditional packing materials such as blankets, plastic, bubble wrap, and tape, streamlining the packing process.
  • They are designed for quick and easy application and removal, saving time, effort, and money.
  • They are reusable, making them an environmentally friendly option.
  • They demonstrate a commitment to protecting customer valuables.
  • They reduce the risk of insurance claims, leading to cost savings and preventing premium increases.