Ideas for advertising your Business for Peak Season

Ideas for advertising your Business for Peak Season

5 Strategies for Last-Minute Advertising Before Peak Moving Season

As the peak moving season rapidly approaches, many moving companies find themselves in a rush to maximise their marketing efforts. The global disruption caused by COVID-19 has added complexity to this already challenging period. Despite this, the demand for reliable moving services remains high, and businesses must adapt quickly to capture leads. Here are five last-minute digital marketing strategies that can help you boost your visibility and bookings just in time for the moving season.

1. Maximise Your AdWords Campaigns

Paid advertising, particularly through Google AdWords, can be a game-changer when used strategically. As competition intensifies, consider focusing on brand bidding to ensure your company stands out when potential customers search for moving services. Key to this is selecting the right keywords, such as “last-minute moving”, “cheap movers”, and “movers near me”. These trigger keywords, along with long-tail variations, can help you capture the attention of those in urgent need of your services.

2. Revamp Your Remarketing Lists

Even the most organised individuals sometimes make last-minute decisions, creating a prime opportunity for remarketing. By revisiting and updating your remarketing lists, you can target past visitors to your website and encourage them to return and complete their bookings. Additionally, offering competitive rates and special deals can entice previous customers to refer others, expanding your reach.

3. Create a Sense of Urgency

Consumers today are often driven by a sense of urgency, making it an effective tactic in your marketing strategy. Implement countdown timers, limited-time offers, and clear, compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) on your landing pages. Phrases like “Last Chance to Book” or “Limited Time Offer” can prompt potential customers to act quickly, helping you secure more bookings in the lead-up to the peak season.

4. Leverage Social Media Marketing

With over 3.5 billion people using social media globally, this platform is indispensable for reaching potential customers. Creating engaging and timely social media content can keep your moving business top-of-mind, especially for those making last-minute decisions. Regular posts, stories, and targeted ads can help you connect with your audience and drive traffic to your website.

5. Engage in Influencer Marketing

Influencers can significantly sway consumer decisions, making them valuable allies in your marketing efforts. Identify influencers, bloggers, or local businesses that align with your brand and have access to your target audience. Partnering with these individuals or entities can help you tap into their followers, driving more leads and bookings your way.


As the moving season kicks into high gear, it’s crucial to implement these last-minute strategies to ensure your business captures as many leads as possible. Whether through AdWords, remarketing, social media, or influencer partnerships, these tactics can help you stay competitive and maximise your bookings during this critical period.