Why Movers Should Invest in Portable Storage Units

As a business owner in the removals industry, it’s essential to continuously seek opportunities to expand and grow your company. One promising avenue for growth is investing in portable storage units. This innovative service is not only a response to current trends but also a potentially high-return investment. Let’s explore how incorporating portable storage units into your offerings can benefit your business.

Invest in Portable Storage Units Due to High Demand

Space is always in demand. Even those in spacious homes often find themselves needing additional storage. This universal need makes any form of storage a safe investment. Portable storage units offer a significant advantage: convenience. Unlike traditional storage solutions where customers must travel to and from a facility, portable storage units are delivered directly to their location.

Given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals are keen to avoid public spaces. Portable storage units provide a practical solution by reducing the need for physical travel, which could lead to increased interest and leads through your online moving quote calculator. Additionally, the costs associated with purchasing and maintaining these units are relatively low, enabling you to start generating profits quickly.

Reach More Customers with Portable Storage Units

Expanding your customer base can be challenging, but portable storage units offer a unique opportunity. Their versatility and convenience allow you to tap into new markets and reach a broader audience.

Cover a Wider Geographical Area
Traditional storage facilities are often restricted to local areas, limiting your customer base. Portable storage units, however, break down these geographical barriers. By charging for delivery and pickup, you can serve customers over greater distances. While you might not be able to offer services nationwide, you’ll certainly be able to extend your reach beyond your immediate locality. This wider service area can attract customers who prefer the convenience of having storage delivered to them rather than travelling to a storage facility.

Target New Demographics
Portable storage units appeal to a variety of demographics that traditional storage solutions might not. Consider targeting:

  • University students needing temporary storage during term changes.
  • Individuals or families needing short-term storage during home renovations or decluttering.
  • Clients who value the convenience of having storage delivered to their doorstep.

Adjusting your digital marketing strategy to highlight these benefits can help attract a more diverse client base.

Scalable Business Model with Portable Storage Units

Starting a new business segment can be costly, but the portable storage business is designed to be scalable. You can begin with a modest investment and expand as your business grows.

Start Small and Test the Waters
Entering the portable storage market doesn’t require a massive initial investment. You can start with just a few storage containers, a storage facility, and a delivery vehicle. If you’re already in the removals business, you likely have some of these resources in place. Starting small allows you to test the market and gauge interest without overwhelming your budget.

Grow at Your Own Pace
If portable storage proves to be a lucrative venture, you can gradually increase your inventory. As you acquire more containers, your business will naturally expand. Conversely, if you need to scale down, you can easily adjust your offerings to match demand. This flexibility makes the portable storage business a great option for adapting to market changes and your own business needs.

Getting Started with Portable Storage

If you decide to dive into the portable storage market, you have a few options. You might consider:

  • Franchising: Buying a franchise from an established company offers brand recognition and a proven business model, but it comes with franchise fees.
  • Starting from Scratch: Building your own portable storage business allows complete control and customisation but requires significant effort to establish.
  • Expanding Existing Services: If you already offer self-storage solutions, integrating portable storage units can be a natural and seamless addition to your existing services.

For more information on how to enhance your removals business, explore our services tailored for the removals industry, including websites for removal companies, SEO for removal companies, and social media marketing services. Investing in portable storage units could be the strategic move your business needs to thrive in the evolving market.