Snapchat Marketing Tips for Movers

In the realm of social media advertising, it’s widely recognised that maintaining active accounts is essential for any business today. While platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are commonly discussed, they are not the only options available for promoting your removals business. Expanding your presence onto additional platforms can be highly advantageous, as it exposes your business to new demographics. If you’re exploring ways to broaden your customer base, Snapchat could be a platform worth considering. With these Snapchat marketing tips for movers, you’ll be able to enhance your strategy and reach a fresh audience.

Why Snapchat Marketing Tips Are Crucial for Movers

If your removals business is already thriving with leads from Facebook, Google Ads, and other channels, you might question the need for Snapchat. It’s a valid consideration, as not all moving companies use Snapchat for marketing. However, Snapchat should not be overlooked. It offers a unique opportunity to engage with a younger demographic and can complement your existing strategies effectively.

Snapchat is among the top 15 social media platforms, boasting millions of daily active users. With a significant portion of these users being under 35, Snapchat provides access to millennials and Generation Z—audiences that are often more challenging to convert. The platform’s casual, ephemeral nature allows you to connect with these groups in a way that’s fun and engaging. Even if your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram campaigns are successful, incorporating Snapchat could attract new followers and customers.

Essential Snapchat Marketing Tips for Movers

Understand the Platform

Snapchat is designed for visual content, allowing users to share photos and videos in two main ways:

  1. Direct Snaps: Send images or videos directly to users, viewable for a short duration (typically 5 seconds).
  2. Stories: Post content to your Story, where it remains visible for 24 hours.

For businesses, Snapchat’s Discover feature offers advertising opportunities, but it can be costly. To set up a Snapchat account, download the app and follow the prompts. You can create a private account for promotional purposes or set up a business account through Ads Manager.

Know Your Audience

Snapchat’s unique format appeals to a younger audience, favouring spontaneous and less polished content. This makes it essential to tailor your approach specifically for Snapchat rather than repurposing content from other platforms. Study existing Snapchat content to better understand what resonates with users and create engaging, creative posts.

Promote Your Account

Given Snapchat’s private nature, promoting your account on other platforms is crucial. List your Snapchat handle alongside your other social media profiles, and share snippets from Snapchat on platforms like Instagram or Facebook to drive followers to your Snapchat account.

Creative Snapchat Marketing Tips for Movers

Develop a Content Strategy

Plan the type of content you’ll share on Snapchat. This could include short instructional videos, behind-the-scenes looks at your business, or industry updates. Offering exclusive discounts to Snapchat followers can also drive engagement. Collaborate with your digital marketing team to devise a strategy that suits Snapchat’s unique environment.

Create Custom Filters

One of Snapchat’s standout features is its filters, which can enhance your photos and videos. Filters can range from simple colour changes to more elaborate effects. Creating a custom filter can help your removals business stand out and engage users creatively. Filters are a great way to increase visibility as they can be used by anyone on Snapchat, not just your followers.

Embrace Creativity

Snapchat thrives on creativity and humour. Unlike Facebook and Instagram, Snapchat encourages a more playful and less polished approach. Use this to your advantage by producing content that is original and engaging. This could include quirky filters, fun challenges, or unique storytelling that highlights your removals business in an entertaining way.

For more insights on how to enhance your online presence, check out our services on websites for removals companies and SEO for removals companies. Also, explore our social media marketing service to see how we can help you optimise your Snapchat strategy.