Most profitable holidays for movers to focus on

Most profitable holidays for movers to focus on

Most Profitable Holidays for Movers to Focus On

If you own a removals company, it’s essential to be aware of the most profitable holidays for movers to focus on. By concentrating your efforts during these times of the year, you can maximise your profits. While some people may avoid moving during busy periods, many still prefer to relocate during holidays when they have more free time. Being prepared is key to capturing as much business as possible during these peak times.


By far, the Christmas season is the busiest and most profitable time for movers. During this period, people have more time to handle obligations that they may not have time for during the rest of the year. Moving is a time-consuming task, so many choose to relocate around Christmas.

The week leading up to Christmas is especially hectic, as most people avoid moving on Christmas Day itself. Focus on the entire holiday season, which typically spans 17 days, to ensure you capture all potential business.

Moreover, the exact day of the week when Christmas falls should influence your preparations. For instance, if Christmas falls on a Wednesday, the preceding weekend will be particularly busy. Prepare your team for the extra workload that comes with this increased business.

Other Profitable Holidays for Movers

The next holidays that can be profitable for movers typically meet two criteria:

  • They are public holidays when people can usually get paid time off.
  • They don’t involve elaborate celebrations that consume a lot of time.

Based on these criteria, the following holidays can also be lucrative for removals companies:

  • Father’s Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • Valentine’s Day

These holidays focus on special individuals, and moving during these times can be considered an additional gift for loved ones. People often arrange their move logistics before these holidays, aiming to complete their relocation quickly to spend time with family and friends.

Effects of Holidays on Your Removals Company

Increased business during the most profitable holidays for movers will naturally lead to higher profits. However, several factors contribute to higher costs for your services during these times:

High Demand

The basic economic principle of supply and demand applies here. Higher demand for moving services during holidays provides an opportunity to increase prices. Conversely, during periods of lower demand, such as the colder months (excluding Christmas), it makes sense to lower prices to attract customers.

Heavier Traffic

Holiday traffic is often heavier, requiring more time and resources to move customers’ belongings. This increased effort justifies higher service costs. Additionally, your team may need to work extra hard and potentially forgo their own holidays, which should be compensated with a monetary bonus.

While industry professionals expect higher holiday costs, your customers might not be aware of these additional charges. Therefore, using reliable instant quote software to provide accurate pricing based on the move date is crucial.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know which holidays are the most profitable for movers, it’s essential to prepare accordingly. Increased workload means ensuring your team is ready and, if necessary, hiring additional staff.

Equally important is preparing your customers. Offering accurate moving quotes and providing high-quality moving advice on your blog can help customers move efficiently. With proper preparation, you can maximise the opportunities that holidays present to those ready to take advantage of them.

At RemovalsPal, we specialise in helping UK-based removals companies optimise their marketing and SEO for removals companies to capture more business during these peak periods. Good luck, and may your holiday seasons be prosperous!