Link building vs. link earning

Link building vs. link earning – Which is better

In today’s highly competitive online landscape, achieving and maintaining top search engine rankings can be a daunting task. While it’s important to stay informed about SEO trends and updates, it’s crucial to remember that Google is continually refining its algorithms to detect and penalise any attempts to exploit loopholes. The search engine now rewards websites that genuinely earn their rankings. Two key strategies in this regard are link building and link earning. Although they are often discussed together, understanding the nuances of link building vs. link earning is essential for removals companies looking to strengthen their online presence.

Link Building vs. Link Earning: The Key Differences

Although not polar opposites, link building and link earning differ significantly in approach and outcome. Link building is often a good starting point for new removals businesses aiming to establish an initial backlink profile. However, as your company grows, the focus should shift towards the quality of links, which is where link earning comes into play.

Understanding Link Building

Link building is a traditional SEO strategy that involves generating a large number of backlinks to a website as quickly as possible. The primary goal is quantity, often with little consideration for the quality of these links. This approach was once effective under older search engine standards, but times have changed. The introduction of Google’s Penguin update significantly altered the value that mere backlink quantity can provide.

With the Penguin update, the search engine’s algorithms became much more sophisticated, detecting and penalising low-quality link-building tactics. As a result, it’s no longer feasible to rely on spamming comments or using dubious websites to generate backlinks. Modern SEO strategies now require marketers to consider the quality of links as much as their quantity, leading to a comparison of link building vs. link earning.

Common Link Building Strategies in the Removals Industry

In the early stages, link building can help removals companies create an initial backlink profile. Two common strategies have traditionally been:

  1. Article Directory Submissions
  2. Posting Comments on Websites

Article Directory Submissions

Previously, SEO agencies would scour the web for directories that accepted article submissions without much scrutiny. The goal was to accumulate as many backlinks as possible, often at the expense of quality. However, with the Penguin update, the focus has shifted to the quality of directories used. Submitting articles to low-quality or blacklisted directories can result in penalties from Google, making this strategy far less effective today.

Posting Comments

In the past, marketers would flood comment sections on various websites with links back to their own sites. While this was an easy way to accumulate links, it’s now considered a black hat tactic. Google’s updates have rendered this approach obsolete, and it can even result in penalties for websites that engage in such practices.

The Modern Approach: Link Earning

Unlike the older, more mechanical approach of link building, link earning is about attracting quality backlinks through merit. This strategy is sustainable and aligns with modern search engine algorithms, promising long-term benefits. But how does one go about earning links?

The answer lies in creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience. When your content goes above and beyond in addressing the needs and interests of your target audience, it naturally encourages others to share it and link back to it from their websites. This organic link acquisition not only boosts your backlink profile but also enhances your website traffic.

Effective Link Earning Tactics for Removals Companies

To effectively earn links, removals companies should focus on the following strategies:

  1. Content That Clicks
  2. Social Media Marketing
  3. Contests & Giveaways
  4. Freebies

Content That Clicks

When SEO was in its infancy, the focus was solely on pleasing search engine algorithms. However, the evolution of SEO practices has shifted the focus to the end-user. Today, content that is informative, engaging, and well-crafted is the cornerstone of link earning. The better your content meets the needs of your audience, the more likely they are to share it, increasing the chances of earning valuable backlinks.

Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms offer a powerful way to earn links, especially when your content is designed to resonate with a broad audience. Whether it’s humour, education, or inspiration, content that is shareable on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest can significantly boost your backlink profile.

Contests & Giveaways

Running online contests or giveaways is another effective way to earn links. People love to compete, and the prospect of winning something can lead to increased engagement with your website. The heightened traffic and attention can result in backlinks from participants and spectators alike.


Offering free items or services, even something as simple as a branded planner, can create buzz around your removals company. When done right, this can lead to organic word-of-mouth promotion, with satisfied customers linking back to your website as a recommendation.

The Evolution from Link Building to Link Earning

The shift from link building to link earning can be seen in several key changes in strategy:

  • Spam emails have given way to personalised outreach.
  • Content quality has become paramount, with engaging content now a prerequisite.
  • Article submissions have evolved into guest blogging.
  • One-time link purchases are being replaced by long-term partnerships.


As search engine algorithms continue to evolve, so too must your SEO strategies. It’s important to stay current with these changes to maintain and improve your online presence. When comparing link building vs. link earning, consider how the focus has shifted from quantity to quality, from short-term tactics to long-term strategies. For further advice on how to enhance your removals company’s SEO, explore our other blog posts or contact RemovalsPal directly for expert consultation. We’re here to help your business move forward—digitally and beyond!