How to Protect your Moving Business Email Accounts

Protect Your Moving Business Email Accounts

Email marketing remains a powerful tool, continuing to drive growth and communication across various industries, including the removals sector. However, the very effectiveness of email as a marketing and communication channel makes it an attractive target for cybercriminals. Alarmingly, small and local businesses are often more vulnerable to these attacks, primarily due to insufficient security measures. Protecting the digital side of your business is just as crucial as securing your physical assets. Today, we’ll explore how to protect your moving business email accounts from cyber-attacks.

9 Ways to Protect Your Moving Business Email Accounts

As the business world has become increasingly digital over the past decade, the threat of cybercrime has grown alongside it. Unfortunately, a single cyber breach can be enough to severely damage a company’s reputation. Studies show that over 66% of malware infiltrations come from email attachments, highlighting the importance of robust email security. To help protect your moving business, consider the following measures:

1. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Weak passwords are a major cause of security breaches. Allowing employees to use simple or common passwords increases the risk of hacking. To protect your moving business email accounts, implement a policy requiring employees to create strong passwords that meet specific criteria. It’s also advisable to require password changes every three to six months. Here are some tips for creating a strong password:

  • Use a combination of upper and lower case letters
  • Include numbers and special characters
  • Avoid using personal information such as birthdays, hometowns, or names
  • Opt for random letters and numbers rather than actual words
  • Steer clear of common letter-number substitutions
  • Consider using phrases rather than single words

2. Implement Two-Step Verification

Two-step verification, or two-factor authentication, adds an extra layer of security to your email accounts. This method requires a unique code, typically sent via text message, in addition to the standard password when logging in. This makes it significantly harder for unauthorised individuals to access your accounts.

3. Be Wary of Phishing Emails

Phishing is a common tactic used by cybercriminals to obtain sensitive information by tricking users into entering their details on fake websites. As phishing attacks become increasingly sophisticated, it’s vital to use security software that can detect these threats. Additionally, investing in responsive web design and development can make it more difficult for attackers to create convincing copies of your site.

4. Scan Attachments Thoroughly

With email being a primary mode of communication, attachments are often exchanged. However, these can be a vector for cyber-attacks. While it’s impractical to discard all emails with attachments, you can mitigate risk by scanning all attachments before opening them. Use reputable antivirus and anti-malware software to screen attachments and protect your moving business email accounts from potential threats.

5. Restrict Company Email Accounts to Work Purposes

Company email accounts should be used strictly for business-related activities. Employees should be discouraged from using them for personal matters such as online shopping or private conversations. This helps maintain the security of your business’s digital communications. To reinforce this, consider implementing security awareness training, ensuring that all employees understand the importance of these measures.

6. Scan All Emails for Viruses and Malware

In addition to scanning attachments, it’s important to scan all unfamiliar emails for viruses and malware. Utilising antivirus and malware protection software allows you to screen incoming emails, reducing the risk of a cyber breach. It’s always better to be cautious and ensure your settings are optimised for maximum security.

7. Avoid Accessing Business Email Accounts from Public WiFi

Public WiFi networks are notoriously insecure and can be easily exploited by hackers. Accessing your business email accounts through such networks poses a significant risk. To prevent this, advise your employees to use their mobile internet when on the go, or consider providing remote team members with paid mobile internet solutions.

8. Use a Robust Spam Filter

Spam filters are essential for keeping your inbox free from unwanted and potentially harmful emails. By adjusting spam filter settings, you can block emails containing specific words or phrases, further safeguarding your email accounts from malicious content.

9. Avoid Clicking “Unsubscribe” in Suspicious Emails

Hackers often use the “Unsubscribe” option in spam emails as a way to lure users into clicking on links that lead to phishing sites. Instead of unsubscribing from unknown or suspicious emails, simply delete them and block the sender using your spam filter settings. This will help protect your moving business email accounts from potential threats.

By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and keep your moving business email accounts secure. In today’s digital landscape, taking proactive steps to protect your business is not just advisable—it’s essential.