Guide to Creating Effective SMS Marketing Campaigns

Guide to Creating Effective SMS Marketing Campaigns

When you’re looking to enhance the visibility of your removals business, there are numerous marketing channels available. Among them, SMS marketing campaigns are a highly effective option. However, much like any other marketing approach, making the most of text message marketing requires a solid understanding of the fundamentals.

To help you maximise your efforts, we’ve put together a guide to creating effective SMS marketing campaigns tailored specifically for the removals industry in the UK.

SMS Marketing Campaigns 101

For your SMS marketing campaigns to succeed, you need a strong foundation. Before delving deeper, it’s important to understand the essential components required to build even a basic campaign.

You will need:

  • A clear strategy
  • Measurable objectives
  • A subscriber list
  • Relevant keywords
  • A long code or shortcode
  • A reliable network provider

Each of these elements plays a crucial role in the success of your SMS marketing campaigns. For instance, you’ll need a network provider that offers all the features necessary for campaign management, including message analytics, delivery and receipt of messages, and audience segmentation.

While there are distinct differences between online and offline marketing, there’s a common rule: always choose a reputable service provider. In the context of SMS marketing campaigns, this ensures reliable message delivery, data security, and compliance with anti-spam regulations.

Once you’ve selected a provider, decide whether to use a long code or a shortcode. You’ll also need to choose between a shared or unique code. Shortcodes typically consist of five digits and allow potential customers to subscribe to your messages by texting a keyword. While a unique code may strengthen your brand, it can be more expensive, leading many businesses to opt for a shared code. Long codes, on the other hand, are standard phone numbers that, while less formal, can add a personal touch to your campaign.

Rules of Text Message Marketing

As you’re aware, there are many ways to promote a business. When it comes to SMS marketing campaigns, some mistakenly believe that email marketing tactics can be directly transferred to text messaging. However, SMS marketing is governed by different regulations and guidelines that must be followed.

One crucial rule is obtaining explicit consent before sending any text messages to your audience. Unlike email marketing, where cold emails are common, SMS marketing requires a clear opt-in process. You must keep detailed records of everyone who has opted in or out of your campaign.

There are various methods to obtain this permission, such as online forms, written agreements, or keyword opt-ins via text. Once you’ve secured permission, it’s wise to send a confirmation SMS and inform subscribers of the type and frequency of messages they can expect.

Should you need to change your campaign, such as increasing message frequency, it’s important to notify all subscribers and provide an easy opt-out option.

Best Practices for SMS Marketing

Beyond obtaining permission, several other best practices can enhance the success of your SMS marketing campaigns within the UK removals industry.

Timing: Send your messages at the optimal time for your target audience. Messages sent at the wrong time can easily be ignored.

Frequency: Maintain a regular messaging schedule without overwhelming your subscribers. Too many messages can come across as spammy.

Content: Ensure your messages are valuable to your subscribers. Provide information that they can’t easily find elsewhere, and whenever possible, personalise your messages by using marketing automation tools to include subscriber names.

Integration: Your SMS marketing efforts should align with your overall marketing strategy. An isolated SMS campaign is unlikely to be effective.

Clarity: Keep your messages clear and concise. SMS is not the place for lengthy explanations.

Ultimately, your goal should be to provide value to your subscribers. If your text messages are unique and offer exclusive content, your subscribers will remain engaged. On the other hand, if your messages don’t offer something of value, you may see a decline in your subscriber base.


While some may view SMS marketing as outdated, it remains a powerful tool when used correctly. By adhering to the specific rules and best practices of SMS marketing, and by crafting messages that stand out, you can achieve excellent results for your UK removals business.