Branded vs. Non-Branded Keywords

Branded vs. Non-Branded Keywords: Data That SEO Tools Won’t Show You

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a complex and intricate process that requires meticulous setup and ongoing maintenance. A crucial step in setting up your SEO strategy is choosing the right keywords for your moving company. Before you dive into keyword selection, it’s important to understand the difference between branded and non-branded keywords.

Why is this so important for your optimisation and advertising efforts?

Your choice of keywords directly influences the target audience you aim to reach. How you set up your content strategy based on these keywords can be the difference between good and bad results. Conducting detailed keyword research and compiling a list of preferred and opportunistic keywords is essential. Regularly monitoring and adjusting these keywords to meet market demands is equally important.

This is where the comparison between branded and non-branded keywords comes into play. Many people are unsure which path to follow when they encounter this notion. While this topic is particularly relevant to PPC campaigns, it also applies to your overall content strategy. Let’s define these two types of keywords:

What are branded keywords?

Branded keywords include your company’s name. For example, for a company like RemovalsPal, branded keywords might be “RemovalsPal services” or “RemovalsPal reviews.” Using other brands in your keywords does not make them branded; they must include your brand specifically.

Why research branded keywords?
Users searching for branded keywords are already interested in your company. This interest often stems from referrals or other advertising efforts, indicating that they recognise your company as an authority in the removals industry and are inclined to do business with you. Branded keywords typically come into play after you’ve implemented a strong brand development strategy.

What are non-branded keywords?

Non-branded keywords describe your products or services without mentioning your company name. For example, for RemovalsPal, non-branded keywords could be:

  • Moving company marketing
  • SEO for removals companies
  • Instant moving quote calculator

There is a wide range of non-branded keywords, as users are more likely to search for terms describing the service they need rather than the specific company.

Branded vs. Non-Branded Keywords – Which Produces Better Results?

Marketers often question which type of keyword is more effective, especially when creating PPC campaigns where each keyword carries a cost. Both types are essential for SEO and PPC efforts in the removals industry. Let’s explore them through four key criteria:

Visibility – Non-Branded Keywords:
To increase your business’s overall visibility, target keywords that have high search volumes. Non-branded keywords generally have higher search volumes, making them ideal for strategies aimed at boosting brand awareness and presence on search engine results pages.

Competition – Branded Keywords:
Branded keywords typically face less competition because they are unique to your company. Using tools like Keywords Planner, you can gauge the competitiveness of specific keywords. Non-branded keywords are more competitive due to their generic nature, which means many businesses vie for the same terms. Nurturing a branded keyword strategy can give you an edge in a crowded market.

Cost – Branded Keywords:
Branded keywords often have a lower cost-per-click (CPC) because of reduced competition. If you have a limited PPC budget or aim to lower your overall CPC, focusing on branded keywords can be more cost-effective.

Conversions – Branded Keywords:
Branded keywords generally yield higher conversion rates. Users searching for branded terms are already familiar with your brand and more likely to convert into customers. This makes branded keywords a smarter choice for driving conversions and increasing revenue.

Branded vs. Non-Branded Keywords – The Conclusion

Choosing between branded and non-branded keywords depends on your budget and digital marketing strategy. Ideally, you should strike a balance between the two. This balanced approach allows you to monitor keyword trends and adjust your advertising efforts accordingly.

Final Thoughts

A comprehensive keyword strategy should consider all aspects of branded and non-branded keywords. While SEO tools provide valuable insights, they may not show you the full picture. Understanding the nuances of branded versus non-branded keywords and how they impact your SEO and PPC efforts can help you optimise your strategy and achieve better results.

Remember, SEO is an ongoing process. Regularly update your keyword research, track performance, and be ready to adapt to changing market conditions. This proactive approach will help you stay ahead in the competitive removals industry.