What is link bait and how does it work?

What is link bait and how does it work?

At RemovalsPal, a marketing and SEO agency dedicated to the removals industry, we specialise in helping UK-based removals companies thrive online. One crucial strategy we employ is the creation of link bait content. So, what is link bait and how does it work?

If you manage to create content that is extraordinary, highly useful, exceptionally entertaining, or universally beneficial, you have produced what is known as link bait. Whether this content is part of a deliberate SEO strategy or created by chance, its importance lies in boosting your website’s rank and increasing referral traffic.

Can using link bait help your website generate moving leads? What kind of content can you use as link bait and how does it work? This article will explain the essentials of this content tactic.

What is Link Bait and How Does it Work?

Identifying the type of content that can function as link bait is the essential step in understanding how it works. Here are various types of link bait content and how they can enhance your SEO efforts:

Visual Content

Visual content such as infographics are well-known in the SEO world for their link bait potential. Infographics that are eye-catching, interesting, and informative tend to attract more links than standard articles. For instance, creating an infographic that showcases moving trends or tips for a smooth relocation could serve as excellent link bait for your removals business.

Guides and Resources

Comprehensive and detailed guides or resources on a particular topic often serve as effective link bait. If you can create content that is helpful and valuable, it will naturally attract links. For example, a thorough guide on preparing for a move or a resource list of moving tips can have significant link bait potential.

Studies, Surveys, and Data

People are often drawn to content rich in statistics, studies, and surveys. Content that includes valuable data on moving trends, customer preferences, or market analysis can act as link bait by providing credible information that others want to reference.

Timely Content

Content that is relevant to current events or trends can also serve as link bait. Publishing articles on recent developments in the removals industry, new regulations, or seasonal moving tips can attract attention and links. Timely content relies heavily on social sharing, so promoting it across your social media channels is crucial.

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content, which remains relevant over time, is another excellent type of link bait. Creating content that provides long-lasting value, such as a detailed guide to moving house or tips for reducing moving stress, can continue to attract links long after it’s published.

Promoting Your Link Bait Content

To ensure your content reaches its full link bait potential, promoting it effectively is essential. Here are a few strategies:

Social Media Sharing

Share your content on various social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Every share increases the likelihood of your content being linked to. Consider boosting your posts to reach your target audience more effectively.

Email Outreach

If your social media following is not substantial, email outreach can be a valuable tool. Identify your target audience and make sure they see your content by sending personalised emails.

Press Releases

For particularly newsworthy content, press releases can help turn your content into link bait. Distribute your press releases to relevant media outlets to gain more visibility and attract links.


Creating link bait content is not a straightforward task, but understanding what types of content work well can significantly enhance your chances of success. By producing valuable, engaging, and shareable content, your removals company can attract more links and improve its online presence. At RemovalsPal, we can help you develop an effective link bait strategy tailored to the moving industry, ensuring your content not only attracts attention but also generates valuable leads for your business.